Open office applications such as PowerPoint, editor, word, excel and navigate to the file.Open Command Prompt and navigate to the following folder. C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15. Observe the results and uninstall each product key. Looking for: Microsoft office professional plus 2013 product key generator free download. Resolves the This product key is for Microsoft Office 2013.Look under the product information heading and find the activation status of the office. If it shows active status, you have a licensed copy from Microsoft office. However, if it shows a box highlighted in yellow, you need to enable it.

Now you know that your system needs the key to activate the office. Office Professional Plus 2013, Office Professional. A box appears on the screen. Enter the above keys and wait until verified.Find a tab titled “Change product key” and click it.Now open any of the applications again and you will find the box indicating that your office suite requires activation.and Business 2013, Office Home and Student 2013, Office Standard 2013 Feedback.